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Drone Photography and Drone Videography

Frank CLarke • 8 July 2020

Drone Photography and Videography

Drone Photography/Videography

As I mentioned in my previous blog I have been busy during Covid business disruption to study and look at new ways to improve and add to my services.

I signed up with a company called who have helped me with my studies and the mine field of requirements needed to be a commercial pilot.
Im pleased to announce that I have passed my exam and now embarking on my flight test.

The essential part of taking your PfCo to apply to the CAA, is if your not aproved you put yourself and others at risk. The trainging is extensive and it has to be. Well worth the effort.

All this hard work will allow me to offer aerial photography and videography to my clients.

I decided to purchase the Mavis Air 2 Drone which has a very impressive 48mega pixal camera offer full 4k video.

I have also setup commercial drone insurance for piece of mind for myself and my clients.
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